It’s been a bit of whirl-wind over the past few months! I returned yesterday from my third trip to Komodo in May and June and will be here in Bali for an entire 3 days before shipping out to Lembeh! I will of course be heading to NAD Lembeh Resort for almost 3 weeks of fun in the critter capital of the world. The main reason I am heading to Lembeh is of course to conduct our annual Underwater Tribe/NAD Lembeh photo workshop which starts on the 18th and ends on the 25th. However, I am going early in order to take some of my own photographs in the wonderful world of muck as I won’t be taking any photos during the workshop itself. I am certainly looking forward to it as I haven’t done any serious shooting in Lembeh for quite some time. It will be quite a transition from the wide angle photo and videos I have been shooting in Komodo lately to the behaviour and macro photo and video I hope to be shooting in Lembeh! I will be the special guest blogger on the NAD Blog so please have a look over the coming weeks.
And here is what I will be shooting next week, it will be a challenge on my eyes I think!