After four months in Canada, the longest I have spent there since 2004(!), I have now returned to Bali and finally have some internet going. I will be posting here a lot more regularly from now on as life gets itself organized in a somewhat less hectic fashion over the coming months. One thing I can say, Bali is a lot warmer than Vancouver and I definitely need to reacclimatize as I seem to sweat way more than before, AC is now my best friend! I will head off to north Bali tomorrow to go diving with the Underwater Tribe and we will be posting about our adventures here as well as on the Underwater Tribe Facebook and Twitter pages, its a good time to subscribe to those if you haven’t already as we will soon be posting quite actively. Tomorrow will be my first dive since October, my longest time out of the water in about 10 years! Hopefully I recall how to do it 🙂 We will be checking out some new dive spots and some key land photography areas as well, stay tuned!